Fluoride vs. Theobromine From Cacao

A recent study by the American Dental Association (ADA) 2013 Annual Session pitted fluoride toothpaste against a new toothpaste that containing the naturally-occurring cacao extract theobromine.

The results showed that people who brushed their teeth with a cacao-extract toothpaste which has theobromine had 100% dental occlusion, with their teeth repairing at a rapid rate.

Past scientists have also said that the chocolate ingredient theobromine works much better than fluoride for dental health and that theobromine makes your teeth less likely to be effected by bacterial acid erosion that can lead to cavities.

Some studies show that occlusions in your enamel that expose the dentin and cause hypersensitivity, can be completely filled in and protected with a much thicker layer than fluoride can provide. One study showed that the layer of protection could be about 4 times thicker with theobromine than fluoride can provide.

With alternatives such as theobromine, which is not harmful to the human body, it is unfortunate that fluoride is still found in a large number of everyday toothpastes and mouthwashes. It’s even added to your drinking water – something to watch out for!Raw-Chocolate-Organic

It has been proven that the amount of theobromine in a one ounce dark chocolate bar has a better effect on tooth hardness than a 1.1% prescription sodium fluoride treatment.

Theobromine was also found to be readily absorbed by the gut, metabolized and cleared cleanly by humans.

The cacao used for these dark chocolate bars Raw Chocolate Superfood Lovers Bar boasts an incredible flavor profile and is sourced from Ecuador.

These are a great source of theobromine, as well as Cacao Elixir™ Raw Chocolate Powder- which is unsweetened!

So if you’re looking to prevent cavities in the most natural and beneficial way for your body, theobromine is the answer!

It appears to be more effective and definitely safer than any toothpaste or mouthwash containing fluoride and there is absolutely no risk!

In addition to using a natural theobromine toothpaste, here are a few other tips and tricks to avoid dental cavities.
• Avoid fluoridated water and fluoridated toothpaste.
• Minimize your sugar and grain consumption.
• Practice good oral hygiene and get regular cleanings from a mercury-free natural dentist.
• Consider oil pulling with Taylors Oil Pulling rinse which is a powerful inhibitor of a large variety of pathogenic organisms.

To read more on dental health, read these blogs on the three ancient foods for healing cavities and restoring tooth enamel.

Chocolate does grow on treesChocolate does grow on trees. Fresh Cacao Fruit!
Pride Dental: Theobromine may help remineralize teeth.

Evaluation of human enamel surfaces treated with theobromine: a pilot study.

Chocolate Constituent Bests Fluoride

Could chocolate replace toothpaste?

The Wall Street Journal: Dental Research: Theobromine, the Chocolate-Based Active Ingredient in Theodent™ Toothpaste, Works Better Than Fluoride to Strengthen Teeth


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